3 Simple Tips For Making Money Online Even If You Don’t Have Anything To Sell!

Have an idea about making money online but don’t know where to start?

There are several ways to make money on the Internet – even if you don’t have a product to sell. Keep in mind that running an online business takes time and effort, just like running any business. However, you can get started without any products, which is one less roadblock for most people wanting to start a business.

You don’t need to be a computer expert to run an online business, but you do need to either be able to set up a website, or have the resources to pay someone else to do it for you.

Blue Screen of Death

I haven’t posted in a few days because my desktop crashed last Friday. Needless to say that I have been scrambling trying to get all (or most) of the information back. So far so good.

I still have some items that I haven’t been able to retrieve just yet. The necessary files and software have been retrieved and updated.

It’s still going to take a few more days to get everything just like I want it but I’m satisfied, thus far.

Check ya later.

Micro Niche Finder – Great Keyword Research Tool or Waste Of Money?

Micro Niche Finder is one of many keyword research tools that you can use for your internet marketing purposes. It would be easy enough to write an article to review this product but I thought that a video showing exactly how it works would help anyone to make an educated decision about whether to purchase or not.

Discover more about MicroNicheFinder now!

What Is Your Passion?

My wife and I visited some great friends, George and Bonnie Driver, this weekend in Florida. George asked me to help him lead worship at a Men’s meeting on Saturday in Perry, FL. It was a great time of fellowship, worship and challenge with a wonderful testimony from a man from a neighboring town whose life has been transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

Below is George’s answer to a simple question I asked him – What is your passion?

I don’t know about you, but I think that is a great passion to have!

Walk With The Wise

Proverbs 13:20 – Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

This verse from the Old Testament simply means that if you hang out or socialize with people that have learned valuable lessons from life then it will rub off on you. On the other hand, when you hang out with foolish, irresponsible people then you would suffer the same consequences of their bad decisions.

Restoring Honor Rally In Washington, DC 8-28-2010

A group of us attended the Restoring Honor Rally in Washington, DC on 8-28-2010. The media said there were 10’s of thousands of people there but it was more like 100’s of thousands and probably closer to 500 thousand from my perspective. It was wall to wall people everywhere I looked. There are 2 videos recorded using my Flip Cam. Judge for yourself.

Can A Listbuilding System Be TOTALLY Automated?

I know we’re all a bit sick and tired of promises of “automated software” that will make us rich before dinner.

And I’m always the first to be skeptical of these kinds of outrageous claims.

But today I may have to actually eat my words.

Because I just picked up a listbuildilng system that really is incredibly fast…,

And the traffic actually does keeps flow in on auto-pilot.

It’s a pretty new tactic on the scene that I’ve heard of.

But I never really knew how to implement it.

Then I found this:

The Man That You Want Me To Be

You see the me that no one else has ever seen.

You know the deepest, darkest parts of me.

You know my heart, Lord, when I am struggling.

Your Love is always there to rescue me.


Lord, I will trust You.

Lord, I will follow You

So I can be the man that you want me to be.

Lord, I will Love You.

Lord, I will worship You

‘Cause I wanna be the man that you want me to be.


You know the thoughts I have that I will never speak.

Marriage – 3 Simple Steps

For a man sometimes doing something the simple way is the most difficult. That’s especially true in marriage. Why do we men tend to antagonize the woman we love? It’s not really intentional but it usually comes across that way. We stick our foot in our mouth, say the wrong thing, don’t open the door at the right time and so on. What’s a guy to do?

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