Golf Stuff

3 Steps For Better Tee Shots

Tee ShotFor the majority of golfers the first club out of the bag when they pull up to the 1st tee is the big bad driver. Those same golfers, the majority, usually end up saying something derogatory about the game or club after they hit their tee shot. In a friendly game your buddies might allow you to take “two” off the top, so you get a reprieve. My friends always tell me that “Bubba”(referring to that 2nd shot you took) always hits it good.

The Stress-Free Golf Swing Review

ben-hogans-secretThe Stress-Free Golf swing was created by Jeff Richmond of   There is an interesting story to the creation of this swing, because Jeff claims he accidently discovered a secret move that Ben Hogan made in his golf swing.

Jeff says he made this discovery on the 5th of March, 2015.

Jeff knows the exact date because the discovery was made when he was analyzing 23 great golfers swings for a blog post he was doing, to see how much head movement great golfers have in their swings.

How Does Attitude Affect Your Golf Game?

golf attitudeOne of my golf buddies asked me recently, “How does attitude affect your golf game”? I told him that for most amateurs their attitude during the round affects just about every aspect of the game. You know as well as I do that if you have a snotty attitude going into the round that it probably ain’t gonna go too well that day. Pardon the southern speak but, hey, that’s who I am.

Let’s say that you and your buddies go out for round of golf on a beautiful day. There is just a slight breeze and the sun is shining with not a cloud in sight. So far so good, right?

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