Marriage – 3 Simple Steps

For a man sometimes doing something the simple way is the most difficult. That’s especially true in marriage. Why do we men tend to antagonize the woman we love? It’s not really intentional but it usually comes across that way. We stick our foot in our mouth, say the wrong thing, don’t open the door at the right time and so on. What’s a guy to do?

After 30 years of marriage I’ve made my share of mistakes. I can tell you with certainty that I’m sure I’ll make a few more. With this “experience” under my belt, I’ve learned a few things that might make your married life a little less stressful. Take this advice with a grain of salt since I’m not a psychologist but, like I said, I’ve seen a few things.

  • The simple things matter. Little things like washing the dishes, taking out the trash, making up the bed, folding the clothes….get the picture?
  • Date nights are important. Children are wonderful and it’s great to participate in their lives and encourage them to be responsible citizens. It’s OK to go to all the extra-curricular activities but you and your spouse need to have some “special” time. Get a babysitter or call a relative and go to dinner and a movie. Do something, even it’s just a walk on the beach or by the lake. Dare I say it…..go shopping!
  • Talk to each other. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Keep those lines open and clear. I know it’s tough after working all day, dealing with the children, running errands and such to actually talk to each other. Make the time to ask about each other’s day. Find out what went on in their world. Don’t do it while the television is on. It’s too distracting. Listen to each other and your marriage will reap the benefits.

There are quite a few more steps that will help you have a successful marriage but these three will go a long way toward keeping a smile on both of your faces.

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