Is It Possible For A Marriage To Survive An Affair?

Some how and some way you got caught off guard and discover that your spouse has been cheating on you and having an affair. Is it possible for a marriage to survive an affair?
Survive the Affair
It is possible to save your marriage after the infidelity but it will require both of you to re-commit to the marriage. If your spouse has cheated, the bond that held your marriage together has been severely ruptured. Repairing and deepening your emotional connection with your spouse is a critical element in surviving infidelity.

Rebuilding a strong emotional connection with the spouse that broke the marriage bond may seem like an “uphill climb”, especially with the loss of trust and all of the other negative issues that arise. You may feel as if your relationship is doomed to permanent failure.

Both parties are going to have to do some soul-searching before moving forward with healing the marriage. It’s not going to happen quickly. It may even take months for a true reconciliation to happen. Building anything takes time – especially a marriage. Rebuilding may take even longer than you expect.

Total honesty and transparency must begin immediately. That means no secrets – whatsoever! Nothing held back. If there’s something on your mind or something that is bothering you, then you both need to open up about it. This open and honest kind of communication is key.

Remember that if you’re going to be totally honest and open then you should be prepared for the answers to the questions you ask. If you’re not sure you want to hear the answers just yet – don’t ask the question. You could even set a few ground rules up front so the communication doesn’t spin out of control into an argument. Use your common sense on this one.

You could even set up a specific time and date to have a heart to heart chat. This “date” should not be confrontational at all. Remember, you want to open up the lines of communication here. Even though there is still strain on the relationship this may give both you an opportunity to prepare emotionally and psychologically for your “date”.

In order for a marriage to survive an affair there are some necessary steps that should be taken and opening those communication lines are critical.

It takes a lot of work and patience in order to Survive An Affair. Learn how to restore trust and save your marriage. Get instant access to valuable information at

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